Bansko Christmas Snow Forecast (with a Gin & Tonic)

Dec 11, 2019 No Comments by

Your blogger, Lance Nelson: 6th December 2019

It’s that time of the season I love; the first run is open. Life is good. It was an epic day being taken up the mountain with Ivan Obreykov, Ulen’s (lift operator’s )marketing director. and a pleasure to take a bootle of rustic reserve’s Craft 19 gin and a bottle their gin liqueur, some tonic, lemon, glasses and some crisps.

Struggling to walk in so much snow was a pleasure. The brilliant sunshine gave that euphoric feeling which reminds me how much winter sun is such an integral part of a great ski trip.

And then the following day, 7th December marked the first day that the first lift (Kolarski) run and another snow report:

And it’s snowing again higher up today as I type this. There will be some more melting with the higher temperature but I am confident that more runs will open they weekend which is the official opening.

Picture taken 6th December 2019: Bunderista 2 lift

The reaction from Ivan Obreykov, David Ware and all my friends to rustic reserve’s gins ( has been overwhelmingly positive. I am therefore confident that we will have some superb gin and tonic offers coming up for Bansko Blog readers and subscribers very soon.

More snow this weekend including this Saturday 14th (official opening day). Looking ahead to December 24th and 25th, Christmas Day, I see temperatures falling again. However, the snow road is unlikely top open much before new year. But of course weather is weather and anything can happen.

Lessons for February holiday weeks are nearly full and will close around Christmas Day — I recommend booking private lessons if your budget can stretch to them and be sure to put in comments section if you would like private lessons starting at 11:00 or 14:00 in January and from February 27th till end of the ski season. Our discounted private transfers, ski and snowboard hire and also bookable on that link.

Subscribe to my newsletter for all the news and stay tuned here for more. Thank you for reading and watching.


About the author

I enjoy tech, apps, entrepreneurship, podcasting and collaboration with others. I love travelling as well as skiing, hiking, MTB, paragliding, cooking and good food.
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