First Snow: My Season Anticipation

Oct 25, 2017 No Comments by

Live cam in Bansko App. Snow on Plato 24th October 2017

It’s always an exciting day when snow falls in the Autumn. It starts that winter season anticipation. The anticipation of the squeaking and crunching of snow underfoot and the glistening of snow crystals in the sun. And it reminds me why I love Bansko.

The happy days ahead for Bansko visitors are also great days for me too. Sure, they are very busy days Early starts lie ahead for me. IT work, then a dash to first to the lift and up to the plato to make a video blog “vblog”.

My aim on these vlogs is to show the snow and to forecast the weather conditions for the next week. But often time is short and for me it’s a fast blast down the snow road and back to the many emails and messages to deal with. My evening may be with our son, Tony. An early night as he still can wake up in the night.  As often as I can I will try and visit a new restaurant or an old favourite.

If it’s a good meal, I’ll usually post some thing here on what we had.


Anticipation enhanced

I like it! Snow on the plato 24th October 2017

After many years working in banking and finance, ten years for Royal Bank of Scotland (Nat West, back in the day), GE Capital and Barclays (amongst others) I would be planning and putting together a trip to the Alps. It all started back in 1995 when EasyJet first started their low cost flights. The dream of a long ski weekend could become reality. These January trips were the most fun I could imagine and I see others doing the same year in year out here in Bansko.

But what this time off year reminds me most of is being in the office and starting to look forward to the ski trip I had organised for friends. Emails would start flowing back and forth and excitement would grow. All welcome distraction from some internal excel spreadsheet or some corporate BS would be easy.

I still get that feeling being here in Bansko — it’s very different because my work is here. But I know that so many readers feel the same as do every season and I get the most pleasure in meeting you on the slopes and in the bars around around Bansko.


The highs and the lows

But with expectation of a ski trip comes a bit of drama. The will it or won’t it snow just before we arrive. We are focused on our dates — kind of selfish but that’s normal. Everyone does the same. But the expectation of a ski trip and the happy days of the trip itself somehow enhance the holiday. So this is why I recommend everyone books at least one ski trip this coming season.

My message of the day is forget about the news of doom and gloom. You don’t need it sand it’s unlikely it will make any difference to you — just focus on making sure you book a trip and stay tuned to / Bansko App . Join me in the in-app chat, in Facebook and anticipate those good days with friends an family on the slopes this winter season.

If you fancy joining me in a snow report then message me. I never stop learning from you and some of those that join me for a morning have become good friends over the years. I hope you can sense the fun in the vilogs. Some are live but none are edited. I like you to see the reality both good and not so good because that is what I wanted to see all those years ago.

Thank you for reading.




About the author

I enjoy tech, apps, entrepreneurship, podcasting and collaboration with others. I love travelling as well as skiing, hiking, MTB, paragliding, cooking and good food.
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