Snow and weather report
The fine conditions from the weekend benefited from some fresh snow falls and lower temperatures.
With quality time on the hill booked, I was keener than ever to have a a good few hours away from the computer. With Vanya, George and I gathering for a few blasts down the Tomba. George (Skimania) reminding me to bend more and keep shoulders forward.
Then George was off to shoot some impressive GoPro off piste action for Sunday’s snow report.
The pause in the video is the place where a few moments were taken to pay respects for a friend who lost his life in an avalanche.
Lessons times
I really can’t stress how enjoyable it is to grab a lesson or two during your stay — both boarders and skiers will benefit. The better you are, the more fun is becomes. If you feel you’re not really improving then this is the secret to progression.
Click here for discounted ski hire, lessons, lift passes and transfers.
Spring conditions are my favourite time to get out with the sun now getting high in the sky.
Suncream out and a long lunch outside. Magical Bansko times.
Weather forecast
The afternoon slush lower down held off until later in the day than usual. The overnight freezing point below town level at night time, due to the clear skies has helped preserved the snow.
Even the snow cannon have been on topping up the reducing cover on the snow road.
But temperatures will rise and rain later today will cause a reduction in snow cover. Expect the snow road to become very slushy by late afternoon.
More snow
Thursday 21st March will see more rain from a warm front causing some snow erosion, especially lower down. However, there is some good news. The temperatures will drop on Friday and more snow will fall then.
Skies clearing later that day.
Expect some really fine Spring skiing conditions higher up.
The main caution being some high winds. They may close the Plato, like today. Winds will drop as the day progresses.
Fine bright sunshine on Saturday 23rd March and Sunday 24th March. Beyond then it is impossible to say with any certainty. You should follow me on twitter by clicking here for latest updates.
Butta wax
I have been testing the new Butta wax ( products and I am impressed. This range of waxes made my skis wizz faster than ever.
Only snowboard overtook me on the way down the snow road.
Until the remainder of the season, all hire skis and snowboards are using the eco friendly waxes for their regular servicing.
If you have your own skis, or snowboard, then pop in to skimania and ask for Butta wax to be used. We are keen for your feedback on these revolutionary, all temperatures, waxes. As they say, wax your board / skis and then go shred. Enjoy the ride.
Events & Tips of the Day
- Download the Bansko App. More places listed, with telephone numbers. Interactive map helps you find places instantly.
- ski packages offering great discounts. The advanced skis and VIP snowboards are well worth the extra
- Horizon Festival this weekend.
- 31st March Bob Sinclair holds a night time DJ Party at Banderishka Poliana.
- Your rating and reviewing the app goes a long way to help the investment to make this a better, and free, resource. Thank you!
If you found this article useful, then why not subscribe for free Bansko updates? Your comments or likes, tweets etc are much appreciated.
Hi Lance, Just read your ski report and am very tempted to jump on a plane from Dubai this weekend, Do you know what will be the last day of the season yet??
Hi Mike, Thank you for reading the reports. I am fairly certain the season will run at least to the 7th April. However after this date I am less sure. Hope to see you soon in Bansko.
Hi Lance
Apologise for not using your services for booking this time. I have come back with my neighbour who owns the apartment in fortuna.
Im outside bla-bla just been down 5, 10, 12, the snow is great; Infact the snow is better than it was the first week of feb.
Only a short visit this time Monday-Friday.
Property management searching tomorrow so only one day ski for me.
Catch you soon
Hi Ian, You should come out tomorrow — should be some fresh powder up there. But catch up next time. Oh how I like this time of the season.
What’s the snow like?
It was great on plateau yesterday (see GoPro video in right hand side bar). But snow will melt fast in the next few days. Warm sunshine will ensure very slushy conditions by 13:00.