Vitosha Paragliding

Sep 22, 2011 No Comments by

Vitosha mountain dominates the Sofia skyline, and the fine weather, up until the rain this week, saw me taking time off to play in the sky. With the two person chair lift above Dragalevtsi taking both weekend hikers and paragliders right up to the tree line, this is the place to go on a fine Sofia weekend day.

Dragalevtsi now has a full junction and is easy access — in fact just a few kilometers from IKEA. The main square has a pleasant restaurant and is the apres flying spot for Vitosha paragliders. The terrain at the top of the mountain reminded me of the  Welsh moorland found on the Black mountains.  Above the tree the broken up rock and grassy moorland. The ski area looks very nice — and hope to review this on a good day this winter. The views over Sofia are special.

Whilst I have been flying paragliders for 21 years, every flight is unique. Saturday saw a very light breeze and some overdevelopment that knocked the power out of the week late season (for Sofia) thermals. The previous clear days had gone and the incoming moist air had built up a haze. I would have no hesitation in recommending a tandem flight with the wonderfully calm and allround nice, and safe tandem pilot, Ivo.

Whilst Sopot is the internationally famous site two hours to the east on the Stara Planina, Vitosha provides scenic soaring and thermal flights towards Blagoevgrad and sometimes towards Samakov. The paragliding scene in Sofia is typically friendly and whilst there are bigger mountains. Especially for those taking Turkey holidays, where Babadag offers the highest elevation from top to bottom in Europe.

Back to Vitosha mountain…. the infrastructure is good with not just a road up, but many hotels. Last weekend we were picking the many wild raspberries. The clean and cool air was a relief from the 32 C down in Sofia city.

So this long bank holiday sees a new adventure. This time it is to Lake Orhid, Macedonia. Paraglider packed and excited to finally travel to this popular destination.

TIP Of The Day

Special ski packages offer ends soon


About the author

I enjoy tech, apps, entrepreneurship, podcasting and collaboration with others. I love travelling as well as skiing, hiking, MTB, paragliding, cooking and good food.
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