Bansko Weather & Ski Conditions

Jan 18, 2010 No Comments by

The Bansko weather video report was taken taken this afternoon. This morning saw bright skies with clear views. Cloud then partly enguulfed the mountain tops. Looking like much needed snow will arrive tonight.

Picture taken 9:00 am, Monday 18th January 2010

Forecast And Ski Conditions

Huge snow deposits are eluding Bansko and Borovets — but a little snow Tuesday and Wednesday. I am not convinced the snow will be much in spite of the Accuview forecast on this page. I will go for Friday as the day; a really deep storm is not far away. Fingers crossed. The weather charts have been changing and hopefully you’ll forgive me for getting  it wrong.

Temperatures are remaining cold and poor to fair conditions for intermediate skiers. A frustrating 2 out of 10 day: a possible 5 for the advanced.

Piste Collision Conditions

There was some icy areas… and many falls. Stefan and I helped Natasha a Macedonian lady off to the side of piste number 10 after a collision and called mountain rescue. The piste was icy in places and as hard as rock in places and, with no helmet, I was not surprised she was sufficiently dazed to need to be taken off the mountain by the mountain rescue team.

As I took this video there was yet another fall. The most I have seen so far this year.

Run Number 5 is closed for a competition but being a Monday and now low season, the queues are small and it’s a good time to come to Bansko.

Stay tuned for more video reports, pictures and some tips on restaurants. It’s more competitive in Bansko this year — but curry night at the Avalon this Thursday is always popular.

Please support this site and book your accommodation, ski passes and packages here. New lower package prices just negotiated, so feel free to drop me an email for a quote.

JJ Murphy’s

JJ Murphy’s: some positive changes here to the food. One of the best steaks I have had in Bulgaria was here on Saturday. Stays open late and both here and in Sofia help raise money for the One Life Charity event. They advised me that they have a special event at JJ Murphy’s on the 13th February (their first anniversary) and of course St Patrick’s night on the 17th March. Subscibe for a JJ Murphy’s special offer here…coming soon for blog subscribers only!


About the author

I enjoy tech, apps, entrepreneurship, podcasting and collaboration with others. I love travelling as well as skiing, hiking, MTB, paragliding, cooking and good food.
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