Gotse Delchev Airport

May 01, 2009 No Comments by

Gotse Delchev has an ex military airport which was sold some time back. Gotse Delchev is around 45 minutes drive from Bansko… and would therefore cut out the 2.5 hour typical journey from Sofia airport.

So many people really believed there would be an airport some time soon. But you know what? Some reliable sources are saying that there is a glimmer of hope that the first steps are being made to get the necessary approval there.

But I have my doubts that Bansko will have its own airport for many years.

An the reason has nothing to do with approvals: but more to do with good old fashioned supply and demand.

It would have to be tour operator that could be sure it could sell package holidays. A possibility but by no means certain.

In the meantime, I’ll recommend Gotse Delchev as a worthy day trip.

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About the author

I enjoy tech, apps, entrepreneurship, podcasting and collaboration with others. I love travelling as well as skiing, hiking, MTB, paragliding, cooking and good food.
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